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Mrs Henderson has won several awards for its thrilling storyline and a vibrant musical theme.
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Mrs Henderson presents – a review of the musical play
Mrs Henderson Presents is a play in the comedy genre (similar to vaudeville acts first performed at the Pantages in Hollywood) that has beautiful music and effects by George Fenton. The musical was performed based on the 2005 film named Mrs Henderson Presents, and it received the world premiere in 2015 at the Theater Royal, Bath. However, one year hence, it was moved to Noel Coward Theater in the West End. As the film was based on a true story of Laura Henderson, the movie, as well as the music, gained immense popularity.
Like mentioned above, the entire musical is based on the 2005 movie Mrs Henderson Presents, which is again a real-life story of the London’s Windmill Theater. Laura Henderson, the owner of the theatre, transformed it and produced Revudeville shows which cast tableaux static naked girls, which thereby exploited a loophole in the censorship laws laid down by Lord Chamberlain’s Lord Cromer. The musically was officially confirmed its show on 16th October in 2014 and that it would also receive the world premiere in 2915.
Plot and Review
It is relied on real events that happened in a London theatre that caused an impresario who shocked the British to full nudity. The musical play stars Judi Dench and Bob Hoskins, who plays the real-life story of Laura Henderson. She as an eccentric widow who turned the London Windmill Theater into a nude revue, defying the guardians of the establishment and kept it open even at the time of the bombing, during the second world war.
The play features frontal nudity which is artfully lit and was inevitably used as the marketing strategy. It is also an adaption of the times and creaky movie. The storyline was too god to be ignored and hence the musical, in 2005, and it was also showcased at the Royal Alexandra Theater in 2017.
The story starts when Mr. Henderson dies in 1919 and leaves the first Mrs Henderson with a hefty pile of money. Mrs Henderson uses this money to buy a theatre – The Windmill Theater in London and eventually finds it boring due to an efficient manager. To spice things up, she allows for nudity. Although initially in the 1930s she wasn’t allowed to show nudity, however embracing the nude paintings by famous artists intimidated her.
The musical is about London in the 1930s during the war and the continuous revues loss and other interesting characters in the backstage. The play also consists of a touching love story between Eddie and Maureen which brings back the effects o the war.
The setting of the entire play was managed by Tim Shortall, which shows the exact backstage of Mrs Henderson and the roof garret.
- Paul Wills designed the costumes.
- The choreographer or the play was Andrew Wright, who gives a feel of British music. The original music from George Fenton and Simon Chamberlain was almost recreative of the ballad.
- Overall, the amazing work by director Terry Johnson caught many eyes and is still a famous musical for all theatre fans.